Friday, October 17, 2008

How Often Should I or When Should I Shampoo and Condition My Hair?

A.Want your hair to look its best, Shampoo and Condition your hair daily, morning is best. Some people can get away with Shampoo and Condition every other day.

Q. Which is the best Shampoo and Condition for my hair?

A. Best! I really do not believe there is such a product out there, you see what may be good today may change tomorrow companies are constantly trying to find alterative ways to reduce cost and improve profit.

I'd also be telling stories if I said take home hair care product from the hair salon are the only ones to use and are the best. Yes most hair salon take home products are very good to excellent and some are not as good as the super market ones.

It is simply trial and error; a few good rules to keep in mind, if hair is coloured use a shampoo and conditioner for coloured hair it has a more gently effect on your hair, also even if you do not have coloured hair but have medium to tick hair or your scalp does not get oily quickly and you are sporty, work in a dusty environment and need to wash your hair daily I would recommended a shampoo and conditioner for coloured hair.

If your hair is fine and gets oils quickly use a shampoo and conditioner for fine hair, you will find that the conditioner is a rinse rather than a balsam.

If you find that after using a new shampoo a few times and your scalp is getting flaky, simply stop using that shampoo and try a different brand,

Q. How Often, When, Why And What Type Of Brushes Do I Use?

A. Brush your hair daily, evening is best, brushing stimulates the scalp brings out your natural oils the brushing also spreads the natural oils through your hair and works like a conditioning treatment, use a soft bristle brush made of pig or horse hair.

Q. Should I brush my hair when it is wet?

A. Well, NO, but at some stage you are going to blow dry your hair so you are going to use a brush, the rule here is hair is in it's weakest state when wet, as long as you have applied some sort of serum to your hair and combed it through starting at the bottom working up and gently.

Q. After Washing My Hair Should I Rub or Wrap My Hair With A Towel?

A. Wrapping your will remove all exists water with out the harsh rubbing which causes fiction and breakage, also stimulates your scalp and if you have fine hair it will bring out the oils and make your hair look and feel oily.

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